Thursday, August 12, 2010


My C-section was scheduled for 7:30 am on March 24.  We arrive at the hospital at 5:00 am to register and get prepped.  I'm excited about meeting my baby in a few hours!  I'm also a little bit anxious about what to expect during the procedure, as I've never had a major surgery before.  I'm just hoping that everything goes well.

Before I know it, it's time to wheel me into the OR, which is much smaller than I expected.  They move me onto the surgical table and give me a spinal block.  It wasn't painful, just weird.  Immediately, my toes and calves start to tingle and go numb.  The nurses have to help me lift my legs and get positioned on the table.  As I lay on the table more of my lower extremities start to go numb, and eventually I'm numb up to my chest.  

Before the procedure, the anesthesiologist told me that I wouldn't feel myself breathing, but that I would definitely still be breathing on my own.  Mentally, I know that I'm still breathing, but it's a strange feeling.  I keep telling myself that I'm breathing, but that didn't help much.  I start to feel anxious and nauseated.  

Good thing Greg was there!  I grip his finger so tight that I think I might've cut his circulation off, and I ask the anesthesiologist what I should do if I throw up.  Do I turn my head?  Swallow it?   And what would come up?  I hadn't eaten anything for about 12 hours.  Well, whatever came up the anesthesiologist suctioned out of my mouth.  Ugh.

Before I know it, I can feel pressure at the top of my belly. The doctor is helping the baby out. My doctor says, "You made the right decision, Cheryl.  There's no way he would've fit through your birth canal. He's beautiful!" Greg says, he heard some of the nurses say, "He's got big hands and feet!" and "Look at all his hair!"

The nurses whisk the baby away, and Greg goes with them.  Meanwhile, my doctor is sewing me back up.  The anxiety subsides...must've been the drugs the anesthesiologist gave me after they delivered the baby.  I hear crying in the distance.  Is that my baby?  I wonder what and who he looks like.

Greg wheels back in with our baby. "Hi, baby.  I'm your mommy."  I can't believe that I'm finally meeting my baby boy.  He's definitely healthy!  And he's got a healthy set of lungs.  Hmm...I can't figure out who he looks like.  I think he's got daddy's lips.  Who's nose is that?!  Open your eyes, I want to see your eyes. Guess I'll have to wait for that.  Time to give you back to the nurses.  I'll see you soon!

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