Sunday, January 13, 2008

Body Worlds 2

We spent the afternoon at the Body Worlds 2 exhibit at the Tech Museum in downtown San Jose with some of our friends. I know some of our friends decided not to come with us because of the gross out factor. But we were intrigued. Apparently so were a lot of other people. The exhibit was packed with people - adults and kids.

The exhibit was really interesting. We spent quite a bit of time looking at the hip and knee joints. They had one that was healthy and one that had been replaced. I was especially interested in the hip joint display because my mom had one of her hips replaced a few years ago. And I got a glimpse into what my brother, the orthopedic surgeon, does. Kinda cool!

I was a bit surprised by the number of kids at the exhibit. I figured parents might think that this exhibit is too scary, graphic or intense for their kids. But most of the kids seemed really fascinated with some of the displays - mostly the ones of the human bodies in different poses. I think the fact that we were looking at real human bodies was lost on most of the kids. The kids at the exhibit did make some pretty funny comments though.

Inside one of the display cases was a sliced cross-section of the thigh. As we walked past this item, we overheard a young girl say to her dad, "Dad, it looks like ham!" We started to chuckle because it did look like a slice of prosciutto. And shortly after Greg said, "Too bad they don't allow food and drinks in the exhibit. It'd be pretty funny to walk around the exhibit eating beef jerky," we overheard another kid say, "Dad, I think I know why it looks like beef jerky." Nice to know that my husband and a 5 year old have similar thoughts!

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