Friday, January 11, 2008

Live Radio over the Internet!

I discovered live radio over the internet at work today! I was so excited about this discovery that I told one of my co-workers. He looked at me like, "Duh, where've you been?!?" Okay, I realize that this capability has probably been around for several years, but today's the first day I actually used it.

Really, why'd it take me so long? I vaguely remember trying to listen to live radio via the Internet several years ago, but I don't think the technology was in place to make that experience very good. Either the radio station website didn't even have the live stream available or if they did, it was incredibly bad with delays and drops. It must've been such a highly disappointing experience that I never bothered to try it again.

I think I also never tried to find live radio on the Internet because I had alternative sources of music at work. There's my trusty iPod, which is what I generally listen to when I'm working. For a while, I even tried Yahoo Music LAUNCHcast. I stopped because I hit my limit on free music, and the program wouldn't let me listen unless I subscribed to the service. So, I went back to my iPod, which is what I've been listening to since today.

I was so excited about my discovery today that I told Greg about it when I got home. And he looked at me like I had just crawled out from under a rock and said, "Where have you been? Live radio over the internet has been around for a while." Fine, I'm going to go crawl back into my rock now...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

internet radio was how i discovered lounge (downtempo electronica) music back in 2001/02ish. i became obsessed with it for over a year or so, costing me hundreds of $$ in buying CD's.